Thursday, April 05, 2007

ADD? Nah.

Okay, I've been exhausted. Work is still kicking my butt. I can watch tv, but I don't even have the energy to knit. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks, so you KNOW I'm tired.

I'm on the cold side of the building. It has to be an ice box on our side, so that the other side gets luke warm. Also, my window in my office doesn't open. I'm tired of being covered in blankets.

So I think I need a shawl. And I think I need to use this:

Cherry Tree Hill, Zebra Caribe (556 yds) 14 sts per 4"

I was thinking a plain drop stitch shawl, but anyone have any other brilliant ideas? I think I want something rectangular. It is pretty busy, so I don't think most patterns would suit this yarn. And no I haven't started Fern yet. And no, I'm not done my scarf yet. I figure if it is on big needles I won't have time to get bored on a simple pattern.

1 comment:

Zonda said...

Lovely yarn! Yes, something simple sounds good.