Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gathered Scarf

I can see why making this in wool might be a better choice, however I do like the drape of the bamboo. I think if I initially wear it doubled up it won't grow too much. My final length ended up being 75 inches. Whoops. I just knitted until I didn't have enough for another repeat (thank you digital scale!). It was a fun project and I recommend it, but changing the needle sizes can be a pain. I used my Denise set and it was perfect.

I bought a ton of calmer the other day on a whim. I haven't bought yarn in a long time, and it was weird. I can use calmer for so many things, and I got it for $5.25 a ball! In black! How could I say no? Anyway, it is funny because I rearranged all my yarn and it won't all fit in my storage system. I have some high rubbermaid drawer systems from my soap company stuff that I was going to donate so I though they would be perfect. They would be if I didn't have so much yarn. Then again, it didn't all fit in my rubbermaid totes, so I guess that says something. And I have a tower of non black yarn. What is up with that? I need to make some more coloured gifts it seems. Hmm.